Girls Scouts of River Valleys
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Troop meetings vary. Girls perform community service, engage in fun activities, learn new skills and meet new friends. Not to mention the vests and badges! Families need to register their young ones online in order to be placed with a troop in the Faribault area.
Little Falcons Extracurricular Activities
Faribault Public Schools is proud to partner with area youth programs and sports associations to offer intro level experiences for FREE. By offering a variety of sports and arts "samplers", youth can try out a new activity without the commitment of signing up for a months long program or joining a formal team.
No-School Day Programs
Spend your no-school days at the library! A great place to finish homework, talk with friends and do some fun activities!
Paradise Center Camps and Classes
All the camps and classes are designed to inspire creativity and a love for the arts. The complete list of classes is available online.
Pizza & Pages Book Club
The goal of these programs is social connections and increased literacy.
Rice County History Camp
Education and outreach is the best way to share the rich history of Rice County and we do that through History Camp (offered annually in June), one-room school and log cabin experiences for youth, school tours, public programs and workshops, among other activities and Hands-On fun. Students get a chance to step back in time to Rice County to when we became a state and learn about the fur trade, pioneer life, games, crafts, and even light cooking of recipes from another time.Scholarships are available.
Shattuck-St. Mary’s STEM Summer Camps
The STEM camps are summer day camps like catapult camp, movie camp, copter camp, and imagineering camp.
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)
STEAM is a six-week program during June and July that allows students to continue the habits of learning beyond the school year in a fun and enriching environment.
Summer Camp: Science Camp (Ages 6-8)
Our popular Science Camp is back! Kids will have the opportunity to use critical and creative thinking skills as they are guided through our interactive and hands-on science activities and experiments. A few of the scientific areas that will be covered are: earth science, chemistry, physics and animal science.
Summer Camp: Small Wonders (Ages 3.5-5)
Send your child on a fun-filled adventure this summer by joining Small Wonders. Age-appropriate activities are designed to enhance your child's social and recreational experiences. Activities include games, songs, theme-based arts, pretend play, storytelling, the opportunity to make new friends,and learn to share and listen.