"Working together to increase youth participation after school and enhance youth program quality."

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Programs for Youth

Faribault Community School Afterschool Clubs

Afterschool Clubs are designed based upon what students say they want to do after school. Participants practice skills like reading, math and science through fun, hands-on activities in a club setting. Enrichment activities and field trips are some of the highlights. Daily homework help and snack are provided.


Jefferson Elementary & Faribault Middle School

Age Range Served

Jefferson: Jefferson students in grades k-5

FMS: Faribault Middle School students in grades 6-8

Contact Information

Nora Schulz
Community School Coordinator FMS
507-333-6378 | nschultz@faribault.k12.mn.us

Alyssa Lowry
Community School Coordinator, Jefferson
507-333-6588 | alowry@faribault.k12.mn.us

Mailing Address

704 17th St SW
Faribault, MN 55021

Additional Information


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