Programs for Youth
Online Tutoring
On demand, anytime, anywhere eLearning. View how easy, intuitive and engaging Brainfuse HelpNow eLearning is for all ages and levels. HelpNow’s features include:
- Homework Help where you can interact with live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests.
- Adult Education Center where you can access a library of rich adult learning content (GED) and live, professional assistance in resume/cover letter writing, U.S. citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series, and more.
- Foreign Language Lab/Spanish-Speaking Support where you can learn another language.
Buckham Memorial Library; accessible anywhere with library account
Age Range Served
All Ages
Contact Information
Buckham Memorial Library
- 507-334-2089